Who is the author?
My name is Laura and these are the wonderings of a theologically trained ponderer (me), writing out-loud, while working to help form her small corner of the church.Read more about Laura and the blog:
AboutIf you have any questions about the blog, email me at lkspringer AT gmail DOT com
NOTE: Only substantive and on-topic comments, as determined by the author, will be approved.
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© Laura Springer and Who in the World Are We?, 2005-2019. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Laura Springer and Who in the World Are We? with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
Monthly Archives: August 2021
Judge Actions
Humans should not judge people; rather, we ought to judge actions and draw responsible conclusions. Judging people is God’s purview, and we are not allowed to trespass on his domain. On the other hand, he has created us with the … Continue reading
Blessed, Resting Followers
On our own, we are unable and needy. In Christ and by the Spirit we can live in faith as blessed, resting followers. The life of faith is hard, and we are unable on our own, for faith is always … Continue reading
Musings for the week ending August 27, 2021
Lived Faith Pray Misconceptions about God the Father in combination with a high-negative affect can lead to malformed prayer. Proclaim Duty. Bearing Jesus’ image, proclaiming his good news, and loving as he loves form the church into a community that … Continue reading
Text and Ears
Preaching and the preparation behind it must be submitted to the requirements of both text and hearers. This means one’s preaching style must flex as needed. The preacher will strive to practice proper sermon preparation and toward clear delivery that … Continue reading
No Tools for Judging
Humans cannot judge persons, for we simply lack the capacity. Because our perception of reality is linear, the ever-changing reality of people’s character is hidden from us. We have partial perception, filtered by our assumptions, so we cannot see others … Continue reading