A plurality of Elders results in at least three types of blessings: burden-sharing, diversity, and accountability. Burden-sharing blesses the Elders and the congregation by providing sufficient capacity and support for the activities of caring and deciding required of this service. Diversity blesses the Elders and the congregation by creating many avenues for connection both within the Elder Team and between the elders and the congregation. Accountability blesses the Elders and the congregation by providing the expectation and a safe place for speaking the blunt truth to one another and a means for keeping track of one another.
Question to Consider: What would plurality look like in your church?
Instigator: The Blessings of Plural Leadership
Leadership is tough. Therefore a plurality of elders would be a unified group of apostles, prophets, evangelists, and shepherds/teachers who regularly carry each other’s burdens and hold each other accountable first and foremost to God and then to their flock. Doing the one-anothers and unification needs to begin here! If the elders are not modeling it the flock won’t be able to obtain it.