The call of Jesus is high, too high for us to accomplish. And that’s the point: rest not work. He calls us to rest in himself, for he is our high priest. In him, we can accomplish the impossible task of standing strong by speaking and living our allegiance to him. From an earthly perspective, standing strong is impossible. We give in to temptation’s pull and feel ourselves drifting off track, powerless to respond.
But Jesus knows temptation to its end, for he experienced its best weapons and never gave in. He lived on earth as fully human, feeling our weaknesses and their accompanying emotions. So, when temptation comes and even when we give in, he’s right here, and calling out to him is our first and best option.
Coming to him must not be a cowering sneak-up of shame. No. Jesus calls us to come to the very throne of God with the courage of those who are deeply loved and fully known by the king. Our sympathetic high priest sits on that throne, ready to lavish us with mercy and grace at just the right time.