As Christians, we have the responsibility to feed our minds with truth by hearing the Word of God in a way that goes continually deeper, reaching for all the clarity that God provides, so that we may identify his goodness all around us.
As Christians, we have the responsibility to feed our affections with values by obeying God’s Word and aligning ourselves to it repeatedly, developing a passion for the things of God, so that we may learn by experience how to live as his people.
As Christians, we have the responsibility to leave a worldly perspective behind and seek God’s perspective, making course corrections whenever they are needed, repenting as often as needed, and shining the truth of Christ in a world so often beset by darkness.
As Christians, we have the responsibility to go on to maturity by making the decision to know God’s Word and live it out, gaining new skills and knowledge as we engage Scripture and listen to the Spirit, keeping our eyes fixed on Christ and our knowledge centered on him.
Watch the Sermon: Warning–Don’t Be Stagnant
Read the passage: Hebrews 5:11-14; 6:1-3