Those who trust Jesus for salvation can also trust him for sanctification, for we are safe in his hands, and no one can remove us from his hands. He knows that we are dust, and he created us to bear his image. So let us choose to keep leaning on him.
Leaning on Jesus is choosing to cooperate with God in the process of our sanctification by following him with intention, for he is righteous to save. So let us choose to keep participating with Jesus by the Spirit to become like Christ.
Becoming like Christ is setting aside our self-centered assumptions and realizing that the human perspective is broken. God sees our broken perspective, so we can be bluntly honest with him. So let us choose to keep confessing our weaknesses and relying upon his strength.
God uses our blunt honesty with him to train us to experience his rest, learning his heart and knowing that his face is always toward us in love. So let us choose to keep submitting to his eternal care.
Watch the Sermon: Warning: Don’t Give Up
Read the passage: Hebrews 6:4-12