Realize Who We Are

This post is a Musing.  Musings are the first tiny bits of understanding made visible and public.

Key Idea: The church is the body of those redeemed from slavery to sin and restored to wholeness by Christ, having him as their intentional Center and being made whole for a purpose. The church responds by living intentionally as one and offering costly thanks.

Grateful Overwhelm

The church is the body of those redeemed from slavery to sin and restored to wholeness by Christ. Christ redeemed and gave trusters freedom and life, paying his life to recover those who were always his. The price of this free-to-us redemption is the life of the Son, willingly given. By paying this price, Christ made it possible for those who trust him to receive restoration toward the reflection of glory God designed into humanity from the beginning, the glory humanity had squandered and continues to squander.

Redemption and restoration bring to the church a unity in Christ that is essential to the church’s identity. Authenticity requires that we live as one, for Christ is our one Center, and he has made us whole as persons and community. We are not our own but have been bought with the blood of Christ. He has made us recipients of the overwhelm of God’s glory, grace, and mercy. All of this is given to us by the one Center, Christ himself, who gives us one purpose. One Center and one purpose are the foundation of the agreement and harmony by which we live out our unity. We are not a conglomeration of individuals but one body with a purpose, having one Center and foundation and one constancy of purpose.

Launch Pad: “Introduction” in Shepherd’s Notes: Ephesians

About Laura

My name is Laura and I am on a journey, pondering the implications of God's glorious design of humanity and integrating sundry aspects of this design into a description of what it means to be the new humanity.
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