This post is a Musing. Musings are the first tiny bits of understanding made visible and public.
Key Idea: Unity develops when a worthy center draws entities with individual distinctives into a relationship with itself and forms a web of connections with and among the entities. This web results in choosing to serve worthy purposes as one community reflective of the center’s glory.
Unity develops when a worthy center draws persons with individual distinctives into connection with itself. The worthy center must have obvious value that gives actual warrant to its centrality. The connected persons must carry their individuality into the connectedness, for unity must never be mere uniformity. A community characterized by unity is not an affinity group but a community formed around a center that creates affectional bonds that ground the whole in shared relationships among the entities.
Sharing a worthy center creates a common towardness among the entities and a shared purpose that the entities willingly serve. The persons connected to the center consider the purpose worthy of personal and communal investment.
Sharing a worthy center and valued purposes creates an unbroken, undamaged, and beautiful whole that reflects the center’s deep glory within the beautiful community. This beauty is the community’s reflection of deep glory and has qualities that delight or appeal to the senses and the mind. Something beautiful is not just pretty but has internal glory.
See: Shining Designed Variation
Launching Pad: ‘unity’ in the Oxford Dictionary of the English Language
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