Who is the author?
My name is Laura and these are the wonderings of a theologically trained ponderer (me), writing out-loud, while working to help form her small corner of the church.Read more about Laura and the blog:
AboutIf you have any questions about the blog, email me at lkspringer AT gmail DOT com
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© Laura Springer and Who in the World Are We?, 2005-2019. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Laura Springer and Who in the World Are We? with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
Category Archives: in the world
Eternal With-ness
By this, you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit which plainly says, “Jesus Anointed One has come in flesh,” is from God, and every spirit which does not plainly say, “Jesus,” is not from God. 1 John 4:2-3b [1] … Continue reading
Sidewalk Foraging and Finding Blessing
weekly trek finds fruit near summer’s end, fresh fallen awaits the seeker I have a routine: nearly every Saturday, I go to a local outdoor mall, have breakfast, work on my dissertation, and go grocery shopping. In late summer and … Continue reading
The Freedom of Control
like a mother’s eyes studied rationale glances fear knows its safety Nearly every morning on the bus, there is a young mom with her three daughters. Most of the time the daughters sit in their seats, giggle, … Continue reading
What is faith?
This past week, I’ve been involved in a FB discussion on faith and children and I’ve been stirred to write toward a definition. This post begins that process with a collection of old posts from my other blog. I’ll probably … Continue reading
Life Insists Upon Itself
I walk a lot. These things happen when you are a transit commuter. Heightened Sensitivity The past week or so, my sensitivity heightened by flowers emerging from sand bags, I have been noticing sundry plants growing in and through pavement. … Continue reading