Who is the author?
My name is Laura and these are the wonderings of a theologically trained ponderer (me), writing out-loud, while working to help form her small corner of the church.Read more about Laura and the blog:
AboutIf you have any questions about the blog, email me at lkspringer AT gmail DOT com
NOTE: Only substantive and on-topic comments, as determined by the author, will be approved.
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© Laura Springer and Who in the World Are We?, 2005-2019. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Laura Springer and Who in the World Are We? with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
Category Archives: who are we?
A Review of Christian Archy
by David Allen Black Gonzalez, FL: Energion Publications (C) 2009, 43 pages, $9.99 (paper) Flow of Thought Chapter 1: The church was subverted by Christendom into a self-sufficient and self-important entity that has nothing to do with biblical Christianity; the … Continue reading
What has Kierkegaard to do with our common life?
Our relational life is both subjective and objective. Subjectively, our various perspectives interact in mutual influence, producing freshness and creativity that are otherwise unlikely. Objectively, our trust connection to Christ produces essential communality spanning time and culture. Both are required … Continue reading
We are his Body
As his body, the church is Christ’s presence in the world. As such, she does the will of her head and draws upon his power as she works in the world for his sake. As his body, she is the … Continue reading
Which is a better growth catalyst, felt needs or biblical truth?
In his post, What’s the deal with mega-churches?, George Berkin answers, Although there are many exceptions, in general, those churches that teach the biblical text, book by book, chapter by chapter, verse by verse, are growing. Those which do not … Continue reading
Fun and Presents or Joy and Presence
December is a season of gathering, as our various neighborhoods celebrate the season (or the incarnation!). One day the company, another the office, this day friends, and that day family: joy (and tension) fill life together. Too often I let … Continue reading