Who is the author?
My name is Laura and these are the wonderings of a theologically trained ponderer (me), writing out-loud, while working to help form her small corner of the church.Read more about Laura and the blog:
AboutIf you have any questions about the blog, email me at lkspringer AT gmail DOT com
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© Laura Springer and Who in the World Are We?, 2005-2019. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Laura Springer and Who in the World Are We? with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
Category Archives: who are we?
Truth and Trust are Necessary for Christlikeness
Many churches provide programs and resources that aim to develop Christlikeness in the participants: Wednesday night bible studies, Our Daily Bread, AWANA, Bible Study Fellowship, My Utmost for His Highest, Navigators, and a host of others. Yet, if we are … Continue reading
Insight: Research Knowledge and Congregational Decision Making
In the education realm, practitioners can have a difficult time accepting the research knowledge produced by theorists: such knowledge is often seen as too basic and impractical, not related to the issues in the classroom. The relationship between pastors and … Continue reading
Is there a place for doctrinal clustering?
There has been some discussion of late concerning doctrinal taxonomies and the divisions that can occur (and have occurred) as a result. Much of the discussion has centered on whether or not it is biblical to separate over doctrinal disagreements. … Continue reading
Accidental Ecclesiology: When
The when of the church has three aspects: linear (history), punctiliar (now-ness), and teleological (eternal when). The linear aspect runs from the beginning at Pentecost to the consummation of the Kingdom, the punctiliar aspect is the present moment, and the … Continue reading
Chosen, Called, and Loved–but Stubborn
1 Now this is what the Lord says. He created you, people of Jacob; he formed you, people of Israel. He says, “Don’t be afraid, because I have saved you. I have called you by name, and you are mine. … Continue reading