Who is the author?
My name is Laura and these are the wonderings of a theologically trained ponderer (me), writing out-loud, while working to help form her small corner of the church.Read more about Laura and the blog:
AboutIf you have any questions about the blog, email me at lkspringer AT gmail DOT com
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© Laura Springer and Who in the World Are We?, 2005-2019. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Laura Springer and Who in the World Are We? with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
Tag Archives: leadership
Insight: Research Knowledge and Congregational Decision Making
In the education realm, practitioners can have a difficult time accepting the research knowledge produced by theorists: such knowledge is often seen as too basic and impractical, not related to the issues in the classroom. The relationship between pastors and … Continue reading
Ecclesiology Wrap: August 29 to September 4
Exercising Authority without Exercising Authority: Alan Knox ponders Jesus teaching that his disciples “not exercise authority over one another” and asks, “How can we exercise authority without exercising authority? In other words, how can elders exercise authority over other followers … Continue reading
Why do I “go to church”?
Called to institutional church & drawn to house church–how do these fit together? Continue reading
Are Undershepherds for Now and Eternity?
The image [of the shepherd in Ephesians 4:11] is vague; its OT and pre-OT usage would suggest that primary emphasis would lie on shepherds as those who led…, provided and protected those in their care. Ernest Best Ephesians: A Critical … Continue reading
New Testament Leadership: task, position, or what?
Biblical Input 1) presbuteros (“elder”), episkopos (“bishop, overseer”) qualifications–1 Tim 3:1-7; 5:17-19; Tit 1:5-9 tasks (narrative)–Acts 20:17-38 2) diakonos (minister) qualifications–1 Tim 3:8-13 tasks (narrative)–Acts 6 3) APEPT as gifts to the ekklesia Eph 4:11-14 4) Olders and Youngers 1 … Continue reading